Normas Legales Jne
3. Similarly, Articles 142 and 181 of the Constitutional Charter recognise the National Electoral Board as the supreme body in electoral matters, so that Article 5(l) of the LOJNE indicates its competence to adopt the decisions and regulations necessary for its activities. As this electoral body is a specialized interpreter of constitutional and legal provisions in electoral matters, it is therefore responsible for establishing, within the framework of the Constitution and in order to guarantee respect for fundamental rights, the rules for each stage of the electoral process. 7. Since the task of the national electoral board is to review the legality of the electoral procedure, it is for that electoral body to determine, in a timely and appropriate manner, the regulatory framework governing the conduct of regional and local elections1 in order to optimise the principle of legal certainty characteristic of each electoral process. It is therefore necessary to bring together in a single legal act the predetermined normative background for the present elections in order to ensure their normal development and the exercise of the political rights of the actors involved with regard to the inviolability of the norms and rules applicable to the process of the regional and local elections of 2022, in accordance with the milestones indicated in the electoral list.2 1 With regard to the rules, approved within the deadline set out in the eleventh transitional provision of the LOE introduced by Law No. 31354. 6. However, the electoral process constitutes a continuous and interdependent series of acts which exclude a beginning and an end, characterized by their pronounced phases and their mandatory and non-renewable deadlines. Thus, the respective calendar is composed of the various milestones indicated in the electoral regulations and those established by applying criteria aimed at optimizing the management of the process and allowing its deadlines to be respected. Service Implementation Protocol No. 3.1.2 2 In the history of the National Electoral Panel, it is customary to make a declaratory decision on the relevant regulatory framework. This was the case with Resolution No.
0338-2015-JNE of 23 November 2015. Regulations of the administration of special electoral juries for the regional and municipal elections of 2022 related to the state of health emergency, approved by Decision No. 0012-2022-JNE of 17 January 2022. w. Regulations of the Public Hearings of the National Jury of Elections, approved by Decision No. 0939-2021-JNE of 9 December 2021. mul Ordinance on Electoral Propaganda, State Publicity and Neutrality during Election Periods, approved by Decision No. 0922-2021-JNE of 24 November 2021.
4. Regional and municipal elections are an electoral process with a fixed timetable, a condition based on Article 3 of Law No 26864, Law on Local Elections, and 4 of Law No 27683, Law on Regional Elections, which stipulates that these elections shall be held on the first Sunday of October of the year in which the term of office of regional and local authorities ends. The National Jury for Elections (JNE) approved the regulation on justification and voting through a resolution published today in the Bulletin of Legal Standards of the Official Gazette of El Peruano. Decision No. 0918-2021-JNE of 23 November 2021 establishing provisions for the resignations and licenses of civil servants and civil servants participating as candidates in the 2022 regional and municipal elections. b. Law No. 26486, Organic Law of the National Electoral Jury.
HAVING REGARD to: Supreme Decree No. 001-2022-PCM, published in the Official Gazette El Peruano on 4 January 2022. Decision No. 0923-2021-JNE of 24 November 2021 approving the internal electoral plan for the 2022 regional and municipal electoral process. g. Law No. 30322, which creates the only window for precursors for electoral purposes. The document regulates the reasons and procedure for justifying non-participation in the establishment of the polling station and the exemption of voters by abstaining from the right to vote. j. Decision No. 0912-2021-JNE of 22 November 2021, which determines the number of regional councils to be elected in the 2022 regional elections and determines the application of the quota of peasant and indigenous communities and indigenous peoples. 2.
ORDER the publication of this resolution in the Official Gazette of El Peruano and on the institutional electronic portal of the National Electoral Panel. Decision No. 0069-2022-JNE of 3 February 2022, which sets the timetable for the virtual receipt of documents through the virtual party table and the SIJE party table of the National Electoral Panel, as well as the notification of announcements of the National Electoral Jury via the electronic mailbox, as part of any electoral process. Article 176 of the Political Constitution of Peru, in accordance with article 2 of Act No. 26859 on the Elections Organization Act, stipulates that the purpose of the electoral system is to ensure that voting and counting reflect the genuine, free and spontaneous expression of citizens and the will of the voter, expressed at the ballot box by direct suffrage. accurately and in a timely manner. Check the regulations we issue or that concern the company. 1. CLARIFY that the following rules apply to the conduct of the 2022 regional and local elections:. f.
Law No. 28094, Law on Political Organizations. h. Law No. 30353, Law establishing the Register of Civil Compensation Debtors (REDERECI). 2. Article 177 of the Constitution provides that the National Electoral Board shall act autonomously within the limits of its powers. Article 1 of Act No. 26486 on the National Electoral Jury Organization Act (LOJNE) provides that it is an autonomous body with legal personality under public law and responsible for the administration of justice in electoral matters. monitoring the legality of the exercise of the right to vote, the conduct of electoral processes, referendums and other referendums and the establishment of electoral lists; maintain and maintain the register of political organizations; and other powers mentioned in the Constitution and laws.
United States. Decision No. 0009-2022-JNE of 11 January 2022 defining ninety-three (93) administrative and electoral judicial districts for the regional and municipal electoral process of 2022, as well as the special electoral juries territorially competent to render electoral justice in first instance and their respective seats. 5. By Supreme Decree No. 001-2022-PCM, published on January 4, 2022 in the Official Gazette El Peruano, the President of the Republic published for Sunday, 2. October 2022, regional and municipal elections for the election of governors, vice-governors and councils of the Regional Council of Regional Governments of the departments of the Republic as a whole and the constitutional province of Callao convened. as well as mayors and aldermen of provincial councils and district councils of the Republic. x.
Decision No. 0941-2021-JNE of 14 December 2021 setting the rules for processing applications for nullity of votes and nullity of voting in elections. i. Decision No. 0907-2021-JNE of 15 November 2021 providing for the closure of the Digital Voting Portal (DP) implemented in the context of the 2021 parliamentary elections. Regulation on the internal election of candidates of regional movements who do not register Electoral Regulation for the Regional and Local Electoral Process 2022, approved by Decision No. 0928-2021-JNE of 29 November 2021. Therefore, the plenum of the national jury for elections, using its attributions,.
r. Regulation on the Participation of Ombudsmen in Electoral Processes, approved by Decision No. 0243-2020-JNE of 13 August 2020. Regulation on the Monitoring and Sanctioning Procedure pursuant to Article 42 of Law No. 28094, Law on Political Organizations, on Prohibited Conduct in Election Propaganda, approved by Decision No. 0979-2021-JNE of December 22, 2021. Bb. Regulation of the procedure for application to the Protocol observed, Protocol with contested votes and Protocol with application for nullity in regional and municipal elections, approved by Decision No.
0981-2021-JNE, of 28 December 2021.