Mp High Court Rules and Orders
(i) First appeals, (ii) Second appeals, (iii) Miscellaneous appeals, (iv) Civil appeals, (v) Miscellaneous civil cases, (vi) Criminal appeals, (vii) Criminal appeals, (viii) Reprimands in death penalty cases, and (ix) Miscellaneous criminal cases. The first and second appeals concern appeals against initial judgments and appeal judgments respectively, all appeals against decisions, including those issued under Article 47 of the Code of Civil Procedure, whether initial or appeal, are classified as different. Civil appeals are reviews of a lower court order or order under section 115 of the Code of Civil Procedure, section 25 of the Provincial Small Courts Act or section 75 of the Provincial Insolvency Act. [(b) If a party against whom an injunction of any kind has been made applies to the High Court for the annulment of the injunction, such application shall be made immediately to the chamber having jurisdiction over the injunction. (xiv) any application for restitution or reimbursement of sums paid or forfeited as a fine, or for restitution, restitution or restitution of confiscated or confiscated property in the case of or in connection with any appeal, presentation, review or review arising out of the case in accordance with final orders made in that name; “Such officer or person shall be entitled to designate the highest bidder as the purchaser at the time of the sale, provided that, if the sale is made in or within the courthouse, such a declaration may not be made without the authorization of the court.” (b) it is drawn up in the same manner as the paper books of the second appeal against the decision, and the rules governing the preparation of paper books in the second appeal against orders apply mutatis mutandis: Creation of paper books according to this rule. Roman – If the court orders the filing of an affidavit, a copy of the affidavit will be served on opposing counsel one week (or at a time set by the court) before the hearing date. (b) If the court orders that certain disputes between the parties be settled orally, it may either conduct the evidence itself or order a court or commissioner designated for that purpose to register it in accordance with the procedure prescribed for the examination of applications by the Code of Civil Procedure of 1908. (e) In all cases where the High Court orders that a person in custody be brought before it or before a court martial or a commissioner, or from one police custody to another, a warrant of arrest shall be issued and signed by the Deputy Registrar and sealed with the seal of that Supreme Court. (b) If such a person is found guilty of the charges against him, his or her plea shall be recorded and the court may, at its discretion, sentence him and imprisonment on the basis of a warrant of arrest issued in accordance with Form II annexed to these Rules. (b) applications by individuals for review of judgments or orders of the trial judge in which the application is made by defence counsel or in which defence counsel appears for the applicant before the application is admitted to the hearing; (ii) If the Supreme Court orders that the recording be printed or formatted in that jurisdiction, it shall be printed or cycloformatted in accordance with the rules set forth in the First Schedule to the Rules of the Supreme Court. (iii) Once the notice has been served as set out above, send to the Supreme Court a certificate indicating the date(s) on which the notice was served on the defendant or defendants in Form Y of Schedule A attached to these Rules. (b) the applicant files the necessary procedural costs within three days after the decision to admit the application or by order of the court, together with a copy of the application and the affidavit; (j) an application for leave to appeal in forma pauperis under Rule 1 of Decision XLIV of the Code of Civil Procedure in a case where the appeal falls within the jurisdiction of a judge sitting alone.
(b) The application shall conclude with a prayer setting out the details of the relief sought, including the amount of any claim for damages and a custody order sought for the children, and shall be signed by the applicant: (b) The statement or affidavit must contain all the details of the matter complained of and the grounds on which it is alleged that: that it would be detrimental to State security or State security. the maintenance of public order or an offence against morality, unless the contested decision itself contains such information. (b) under the responsibility of the holder of the order in council or of the person claiming to be interested in such property, or of a person deemed to undertake to preserve such property, if he enters into a guarantee with one or more guarantees equal at least to the value of the property, that he properly manages the property and produces it on demand. (3) All applications under sections 226 and/or 227 of the Constitution which are directed against an order or decision of the National Transport Appeals Agency, the National Transport Agency, the Commissioner of Transport or a regional transport authority established under the Motor Vehicle Act 1939. (d) An appeal of a civil nature under a central law or state or a first appeal under the Code of Civil Procedure, the value of which is Rs. 3,00,000/-, and any request or reference under such laws, unless such appeal, request or reference is expressly provided otherwise. « 1. Any action shall be instituted if it submits to the Tribunal or to an officer designated by it on its behalf, an application accompanied by as many vertigo copies on plain paper as there are defendants who serve the summons on each defendant, unless the Tribunal reasonably prescribes a time limit for the filing of such copies. (b) An application under Article 17(a) shall be accompanied by an affidavit (unless otherwise ordered by the court); demonstrate why the record is essential if the application is made and the applicant is unable to obtain, without delay or undue expense, a certified copy of the report or part thereof requested by the applicant, or that production of the original is necessary for legal purposes.
(vii) To hear and consider applications for the appointment or removal of a future friend or guardian ad litem of a minor or a person ill with alcohol, except in cases where Her Majesty appeals to the Council, and to amend the minutes accordingly. From time to time, arrange for the deposit of funds for the conduct of the proceedings on behalf of a minor defendant whose guardian has been appointed if it appears that the guardian does not have sufficient resources to conduct the proceedings on behalf of the defendant. The order orders the guardian to file an invoice with the court for the amounts received from him on instruction. (p) Civil proceedings under an Act of the Central Legislature or of the Land brought before the Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction, for example:.